This guy really went and uploaded his Floppy D on Newgrounds, yo. geeze
Also Floppy D's aside, nice track! Feels like a scifi game soundtrack out of the 90's.
This guy really went and uploaded his Floppy D on Newgrounds, yo. geeze
Also Floppy D's aside, nice track! Feels like a scifi game soundtrack out of the 90's.
This is lovely, always love the mood your music leaves me in.
Thanks for the features! Was surreal but lovely to chat for a while ^.^
(Happy to play accordion on any future tracks you’re working on)
Keep on with your silly and strange and endeavors mate!
There’s so much movement. Not usually my cup of tea stylistically but even just from a production and performance standpoint, this is wild. Nice work!
Really lovely tune, that opening melody is so pleasant :)
Newgrounds needs more goof fests like this, nice little song or skit or whatever.
A good goof is good for the soul!
You were not kidding about finding a good brass sound. Hot dang.
This is an adorable little tune. Can absolutely picture a goofy giraffe grooving to this.
It’s like a mathrock band with some elements of an fzero sound track. Really engrossing and solid playing.
Also, I know it was only in it for like 2 measures but that synth in the end hit so right.
Feels like a saturn era fighting game soundtrack. Really fun even if it comes across as a little sonically one note.
Windows 95 Sound Recorder and a
*=* D R E A M *=*
Cube Mechanic
Joined on 11/12/12