Really nice atmosphere and some cool percussion. The little vinyl pops were a really good add here too :)
Really nice atmosphere and some cool percussion. The little vinyl pops were a really good add here too :)
Thank you kindly!
Like the manic energy of this one. Fuzzed out in all the right ways.
Nice playing on this, that pedal/effect at the start sounds super clean. Very Eric Johnson with a touch of mid west emo all the way through
The mix is a little washed, like there are a lot of things occupying the mids so nothing really pops that need to (would love to get the drum kick notched up a little higher).
Really like the sounds you're playing with other wise and that guitar line is pretty killer
Clipping like a true pro now
This is lovely, hadn't heard of HANL before today but am gonna have to check them out.
Only downside was that it ended so soon, sounds like an opener for a longer track :D
Agree with fSYNCLIPSE on the mix comment. I really like the synth and guitar tones you're playing around with here they're just hella buried at points
Thanks for listening and for the feedback!
Don't normally go for this style (Ennui Lofi Pop?) but this was an interesting listen. You've got Damon Albarn vibe on the vocals that honestly works pretty well over all... it's just that the track is a little too flat for me to want to come back for more.
Also, consider including the lyrics in the future, liked what I could catch overall but there was a lot I couldn't really make out.
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you taking the time to listen. :)
I'll update this with the lyrics.
Windows 95 Sound Recorder and a
*=* D R E A M *=*
Cube Mechanic
Joined on 11/12/12