Agree with fSYNCLIPSE on the mix comment. I really like the synth and guitar tones you're playing around with here they're just hella buried at points
Agree with fSYNCLIPSE on the mix comment. I really like the synth and guitar tones you're playing around with here they're just hella buried at points
Thanks for listening and for the feedback!
Don't normally go for this style (Ennui Lofi Pop?) but this was an interesting listen. You've got Damon Albarn vibe on the vocals that honestly works pretty well over all... it's just that the track is a little too flat for me to want to come back for more.
Also, consider including the lyrics in the future, liked what I could catch overall but there was a lot I couldn't really make out.
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate you taking the time to listen. :)
I'll update this with the lyrics.
Very Wish you were here era floyd vibes. It's a little repetitive (mostly noticeable in the background instrumental), but engaging for a listen. Nice playing.
thank you so much for the listen
I tend to write conceptually and in theme with this album I like to have a narrative assigned individually as well. The album is primarily about acceptance and I wanted the wave of emotions during the particular mental approach to acceptance to be the drive in the track. Even though there is over 60 project tracks, adding the bass and wave to the dominant mix really added character to life.
I hope you enjoy other tracks from the album too, I have 6 more to upload :)
Relaxing. Like the space you made here :)
Thank you. Funny to see this frontpaged after a year has passed. :D
Did you change anything from the original upload? Either way, still a jam dude
Not much before I couldn't, had to skip town before I could. Thanks a lot mane :)
I brought the melodica more forward so you could hear it, messed with the guitars so you can hear them a bit better and fixed some vocals. That's really all.
Nice playing on this track and like the subtle instrument accompaniments. Wish there was a little more dynamism in the mix, but that's just my taste.
I agree, I wish I did more with it. I was and still am in the middle of a move though so I kinda just thought it was good enough and put it up :/
Thanks a lot for the review though.
This is such a wild take on the track. Itβs got the feel of something out of a scifi flick. The singing is a little too filtered to make out the words, but it makes for an eery atmosphere.
Glad you had fun with the track, it made for an interesting listen :)
This review means so much, thank you Bitbeak.
Got a real Alex g vibe to this track, in the best of ways. Great playing as usual.
Ya know someone said the same thing a couple days ago and sent me some of his stuff, I've been lending him an ear and it's very interesting stuff. Thanks again :)
Like the space you make in this one, nice progression and vocals too.
Thanks, I wanted to add a bit more but nothing really wanted to fit in it seemed.
Like the vibe of this, it's got the feel of an old magnetic fields track. The goofy subject and lyrics are also a good fit and they work better than they should lol
It could be my headphones, but the kick on the drums feels a little disproportionately loud, but maybe that's just my taste.
Yeah upon repeat listens the drum's a little louder than it needs to be. This one was a bitch to mix for whatever reason.
Glad you liked the track π
Windows 95 Sound Recorder and a
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Cube Mechanic
Joined on 11/12/12